- French 3: Expressions 15/10/2019
- Codecademy - Back-End App with JS 1 10/09/2019
- DL Coursera 1 - NN & DL - W1: Intro to DL 31/08/2019
- fast.ai: Intro to ML for Coders 1 28/08/2019
- Python 0 : Docs & Settings 27/08/2019
- The HackerRank Interview Preparation Kit 1 27/08/2019
- Stats 2 13/08/2019
- Stats 1 11/08/2019
- IT tips 09/08/2019
- JSXGraph 1 05/08/2019
- Codecademy - DS 1 24/07/2019
- French 2: Videos 18/07/2019
- DataQuest - Data Engineer 1: Postgres for Data Engineers 23/05/2019
- IBM Data Course 9: Applied DS Capstone 17/05/2019
- Codecademy - Python 09/05/2019
- IBM Data Course 8: ML with Python (w4 to w6) 26/04/2019
- IBM Data Course 8: ML with Python (w1 to w3) 23/04/2019
- IBM Data Course 7: Data Visualization with Python 14/04/2019
- IBM Data Course 6: Data Analysis with Python 13/04/2019
- IBM Data Course 5: Databases and SQL for DS (w3-w4) 08/04/2019
- IBM Data Course 5: Databases and SQL for DS (w1-w2) 06/04/2019
- IBM Data Course 4: Python for DS 03/04/2019
- IBM Data Course 3: DS Methodology 03/04/2019
- Hackerrank 1: 10 days of stats 03/04/2019
- French 1 26/03/2019
- IBM Data Course 1 & 2: What is DS & Open Source tools for DS 20/03/2019
- PHP Wordpress 3: Quick 20/02/2019
- Linux notes 26/01/2019