Anh-Thi DINH

JSXGraph 1

Posted on 05/08/2019, in Web development.

I wonder how we can draw mathematical graphs, charts, idea,… using only web’s components (JS, HTML5, CSS,…). I found JSXGraph with its power.



  • Check this site.
  • The base index.html file

      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <meta charset="utf-8" />
          <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jsxgraph.css" />
          <script type="text/javascript" src="jsxgraphcore.js"></script>
          <h1>Self-learning JSXGraph</h1>
          <h2>by <a target="_blank" href="">Anh-Thi DINH</a></h2>
            Edit the code in the file <b>current.js</b> and reload the site to see the changes.
          <hr />
          <div id="thi"></div>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="./current.js"></script>

Automatically reload site if js file changes

Using live-server

  • Install nodejs first.
  • Install live-server using nodejs: npm install -g live-server
  • cd to the project folder
  • run live-server (accept all networks notification)
  • Enjoy!


  • Options
      .majorHeight = 0
      .insertTicks = false
      .ticksDistance = 10 // height of main ticks

You should “free” a board before reusing it


Everything below is inside

var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box',
    // the codes
  • Position of the original coordinate: originX:50, originY:25 (from the left and the top in pixel)
  • unitX:20, unitY:10: determines the number of pixels for one unit on the x-axis/y-axis
  • others

    axis: true, // display axis?
    grid: false, // display grid?
    showNavigation: false, // show navigation?
    showCopyright: false // show copyright?

First examples

Simple axis (with ticks)

      .majorHeight = 0
      .insertTicks = false
      .ticksDistance = 10 // height of main ticks

var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box',
    boundingbox:[-10,10,10,-10], // box's size
    axis: true, // display axis?
    grid: false, // display grid?
    showNavigation: false, // show navigation?
    showCopyright: false // show copyright?