Anh-Thi DINH

IBM Data Course 5: Databases and SQL for DS (w1-w2)

Posted on 06/04/2019, in Data Science, Python.

This note was first taken when I learnt the IBM Data Professional Certificate course on Coursera.

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Week 1: Introduction to Databases and Basic SQL


  • SQL is 1 of the top 3 skills for data scientist.
  • SQL is used for communicating with databases (query data)
  • SQL = Structured English Query Language
  • Data is a collection of facts in the form of words, numbers or even pictures.
  • Database
    • is a respository of data.
    • It’s a program that stores data.
    • provides the functionality for adding, modifying and querying that data
    • different kind of databases store data in diff forms.
    • Data stored in a tabular form is a relational database.
    • A set of software tools for the data in the database is called a database management system or DBMS for short.
    • RDBMS = relational database management system
      • Example: MySQL, Oracle Database

How to create a Database instance on Cloud?

  • Advantages of using Cloud Database
    • ease of use
    • scalability
    • disaster recovery
  • An instance of the Cloud database operates as a service that handles all application requests to work with the data and any of the databases managed by that instance.
  • IBM Db2 Warehouse on Cloud
  • IBM Db2 service
  • Page of apps (need to log in)

Basic SQL

  • DDL = Data Definition Language (define, change or drop data)
  • DML = Data Manipulation Language (read and modify data)
  • The primary key of a relational table uniquely identifies each row in a table.
  • CREATE statement
    • Syntax
        create table TABLENAME (
            COLUMN1 datatype,
            COLUMN2 datatype,
            COLUMN3, datatype,
            ) ;
    • Example
        create table TEST (
            ID integer,
            NAME varchar(30)
    • ID int NOT NULL, : it cannot contain a NULL or an empty value.
    • PRIMARY KEY (ID) : If you look at the last row in the create table statement above you will note that we are using ID as a Primary Key and the database does not allow Primary Keys to have NULL values.
    • A Primary Key is a unique identifier in a table, and using Primary Keys can help speed up your queries significantly.
      • It must contain a unique value for each row of data.
      • It cannot contain null values.
    • DROP table before creating it to ignore the duplication error
        drop table COUNTRY;
        create table COUNTRY (
            ID integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
            CCODE char(2),
            NAME varchar(60)
    • Use the DEFAULT clause in the CREATE TABLE statement to specify the default value for the database server to insert into a column when no explicit value for the column is specified.
    • Use the CHECK clause to designate conditions that must be met before data can be assigned to a column during an INSERT or UPDATE statement.
  • SELECT statement
    • is DML which is used to read and modify data.
    • The output of a select statement is called the Result Set or a Result Table.
    • The order of columns displayed always matches the order in the SELECT statement.
    • used with WHERE with operators: =, >, <, >=, <=, <>
    • Examples
        select * from book
        select <col1>, <col2> from book
        select book_id, title from book WHERE book_id='B1'
    • To get the total number of rows in a given table, simply issue: select COUNT(*) from tablename
    • retrieve the number of rows where the medal recipient is from CANADA: select COUNT(COUNTRY) from MEDALS where COUNTRY='CANADA'
  • DISTINCT is used to remove duplicate values from a result set.
    • To retrieve unique values in a column issue: select DISTINCT columnname from tablename
    • retrieve the list of unique countries that received GOLD medals, that is, removing all duplicate values of the same country: select DISTINCT COUNTRY from MEDALS where MEDALTYPE = 'GOLD'
  • LIMIT is used for restricting the number of rows retrieved from the database.
    • To retrieve just the first 10 rows in a table: select * from tablename LIMIT 10
    • This can be very useful to examine the result set by looking at just a few rows instead of retrieving the entire result set which may be very large.
    • retrieve just a few rows in the MEDALS table for a
    • particular year, you can issue: select * from MEDALS where YEAR = 2018 LIMIT 5
    • add new rows to the table
    • DML
    • You can insert 1 row, 2 rows, or more than two rows with a single INSERT statement.
    • Examples,
        INSERT INTO <tablename> 
            (<col1>, <col2>,...) 
                (<val1a>, <val2a>, ...), 
                (<val1b>, <val2b>, ...)
    • DML
    • Update
        UPDATE table_name
        SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
        WHERE condition;
      • Be careful and specify a where clause if you intend to update just specific rows, otherwise all rows will be updated.
    • DELETE
        DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
      • If no WHERE clause is used, all rows will be removed.

Relational database concepts (optional)

  • Information model & Data model
    • Different types of models
    • An information model is an abstract formal representation of entities that includes their properties, relationships, and the operations that can be performed on them.
    • An information model is at the conceptual level and defines relationships between objects.
    • Data models are defined in a more concrete level, are specific and include details.
      • The hierarchical model organizes its data using a tree structure
      • The relational model is the most used data model for databases
        • Allows for data independence
        • Data is stored in tables with entity relationships
      • An entity-relationship data model or ER data model, is an alternative to a relational data model.
    • The building blocks of an ER diagram are entities and attributes.
      • Entities have attributes, which are the data elements that characterize the entity.
      • Attributes tell us more about the entity.
      • Ex: book -> entity, attributes -> book title, year,…
      • Entity -> table in database
      • Atributes -> columns in the table
    • Foreign keys (FK): is defined in a second table, but it refers to the primary key or a unique key in the first table
      • For example, a table called Employees has a primary key called employee_id. Another table called Employee Details has a foreign key which references employee_id in order to uniquely identify the relationship between the two tables.
    • A table containing one or more foreign keys is called a Dependent table.
  • Types of relationship between entities
    • Building blocks of relationship are
      • Entities sets: rectangle
      • Relationship sets: diamond with lines conneting associated entities.
      • Crows foot notations: > | < symbols
      • Attributes: ovals ER Diagram of Author
    • One-to-One relationship: one book must be written by one author One-to-One relationship
    • One-to-Many relationship or Many-to-One relationship: A book written by many authors. One-to-Many relationship
    • Many-to-Many relationship: many authors write many books. Many-to-Many relationship
  • Mapping entities to tables
    • ERD = Entity relational diagram Entity book
  • Relational model concepts
    • Relational model: based on the concept of relation.
    • relational dabase
      • a set of relations
      • relation = mathematical term for table
      • 2 parts
        • relational schema
        • relational instance
      • Relational Schema: name of a relation and attributes
      • Relational Instance: a table made up of attributes or columns.
        • column = attributes = field
        • Row = tuple
      • Relation: degree & cardinality
        • degree = the number of columns/attributes in a relation
        • cardinality = the number of tuples/rows Degree and Cardinality

Week 2: Advanced SQL

How to create databses + upload csv files to cooperate with them on IBM Clound Db2? Check the instruction on week 2 (Week2Lab1v4-RA.pdf)

String Patterns, Ranges, Sorting, and Grouping

  • Using String Patterns, Ranges
    • Retrieving rows from a table Retrieving rows from a table
    • String Pattern: in the case we don’t know/remember exactly the key to apply to WHERE
        SELECT firstname 
            FROM author
            WHERE firstname like 'R%'
    • Range
        SELECT title, pages
            FROM book
            WHERE pages >= 290 AND pages <= 300
        SELECT title, pages
            FROM book
            WHERE pages BETWEEN 290 AND 300
    • Set of Values

        SELECT firstname, lastname, country
            FROM author
            WHERE country='AU' OR country='BR'
        SELECT firstname, lastname, country
            FROM author
            WHERE country IN ('AU', 'BR')
  • Sorting result sets
    • Use ORDER BY (DESC or ASC - default)
        SELECT title 
            FROM book
            ORDER BY title DESC
        SELECT title, pages
            FROM book
            ORDER BY 2 -- column 2 (pages)
  • Grouping Result Sets
    • DISTINCT: eliminating duplicates
        SELECT DISTINCT(country)
            FROM author
    • GROUP BY: count the number of row has the same values
        SELECT country, COUNT(country) 
            FROM author 
            GROUP BY country
        SELECT country, COUNT(country)
            AS count -- create a column named "count" containing the numbers
            FROM author
            GROUP BY country
    • HAVING: check more than 4 authors from the same country, only works with the GROUP BY clause.
        SELECT country, COUNT(country)
            AS count
            FROM author
            GROUP BY country
            HAVING COUNT(country) > 4

Functions, Sub-Queries, Multiple Tables

  • built-in functions to perform operations on data right within the database.
  • reduces network traffic and use of bandwidth
  • It is also possible to create your own functions in the database
  • One of the limitations of built-in aggregate functions like AVG() is that they cannot always be evaluated in the WHERE clause -> need to use sub-queries!!

Petsale table

  • Add up all the values in the SALEPRICE column and explicitly name the output column SUM_OF_SALEPRICE
  • Maximum QUANTITY of any ANIMAL sold:
      select MAX(QUANTITY) from PETSALE
  • Average value of SALEPRICE :
      select AVG(SALEPRICE) from PETSALE
  • Average SALEPRICE per ‘Dog’ :
      select AVG( SALEPRICE / QUANTITY ) from PETSALE where ANIMAL = 'Dog'
  • Round UP/DOWN every value in SALEPRICE column to nearest integer:
      select ROUND(SALEPRICE) from PETSALE
  • Retrieve the length of each value in ANIMAL column
      select LENGTH(ANIMAL) from PETSALE
  • Retrieve the ANIMAL column values in UPPERCASE format
      select UCASE(ANIMAL) from PETSALE
  • Use the function in a WHERE clause
      select * from PETSALE where LCASE(ANIMAL) = 'cat'
  • Use DISTINCT() function to get unique values

Date, Time functions: Functions exist to extract the DAY, MONTH, DAYOFMONTH, DAYOFWEEK, DAYOFYEAR, WEEK, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND.

  • Extract the DAY portion from a date
    select DAY(SALEDATE) from PETSALE where ANIMAL = 'Cat'
  • Get the number of sales during the month of may (i.e. month 5):
    select COUNT(*) from PETSALE where MONTH(SALEDATE)='05'
  • You can also perform DATE or TIME arithmetic
    select (SALEDATE + 3 DAYS) from PETSALE
  • Special registers CURRENT TIME and CURRENT DATE are also available:

Sub-Queries and Nested Selects

  • One of the limitations of built-in aggregate functions like AVG() is that they cannot always be evaluated in the WHERE clause.
  • we want to retrieve the list of employees who earn more than the average salary.
      select EMP_ID, F_NAME, L_NAME, SALARY from employees 
          where SALARY < 
       		(select AVG(SALARY) from employees);
  • The IN operator can also be used and there can be multiple leves of sub-queries, such as:
      select EMP_ID, F_NAME, L_NAME, DEP_ID from employees 
       where DEP_ID IN  
       ( select DEP_ID from employees where DEP_ID > 
               ( select MIN(DEP_ID) from employees ) 
  • The sub-select doesn’t just have to go in the where clause, it can also go in other parts of the query such as in the list of columns to be selected:
      select EMP_ID, SALARY,
          ( select AVG(SALARY) from employees ) 
          AS AVG_SALARY
        	from employees ;
      select * 
          ( select EMP_ID, F_NAME, L_NAME, DEP_ID 
              from employees) ;

Working with multiple tables

There are several ways to access multiple tables in the same query:

  1. Sub-queries
  2. Implicit JOIN
  3. JOIN operators (INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, etc.)

Petsale table

  1. Sub-queries
    • retrieve only the employee records that correspond to departments in the DEPARTMENTS table
        select * from employees 
          where DEP_ID IN
          ( select DEPT_ID_DEP from departments );
    • we want to retrieve only the list of employees from a specific location
        select * from employees 
          where DEP_ID IN
           ( select DEPT_ID_DEP from departments 
             where LOC_ID = 'L0002' );
    • retrieve the department ID and name for Empolyees who earn more than 70000:
       select DEPT_ID_DEP, DEP_NAME from departments
        where DEPT_ID_DEP IN
      ( select DEP_ID from employees 
        where SALARY > 70000 ) ;
  2. Implicit JOIN
    • full join
        select * from employees, departments;
    • we limit the result set to only rows with matching department IDs:
       select * from employees, departments 
         where employees.DEP_ID = departments.DEPT_ID_DEP;
    • Since the table names can be sometimes long, we can use shorther aliases for table names as follows:
        select * from employees E, departments D 
          where E.DEP_ID = D.DEPT_ID_DEP;
    • the column names in the select clause can be pre-fixed by aliases:
        select E.EMP_ID, D.DEPT_ID_DEP  
          from employees E, departments D 
          where E.DEP_ID = D.DEPT_ID_DEP;
    • we want to see the department name for each employee:
        select E.EMP_ID, D.DEP_NAME from 
          employees E, departments D
          where E.DEP_ID = D.DEPT_ID_DEP

Check at Go to Course 5 Week 3 & 4

Relational model constraints (optional)

  • At least one author writes one book. This is a one to one relationship. To look up the author information, the book entity refers to the author entity. In a relational data model, this is called referencing. ERD representation of a relational data model
  • Primary Key which uniquely identifies a row in a table but not for the foreign key (FK)
  • Parent table: a table containing a Primary key that is related to at least one Foreign key.
  • Dependent table: a table containing one or more Foreign keys. Relational Model Terminology
  • constraint: điều kiện ràng buộc. 6 different types of relational model constraint
    • Entity Integrity Constraint: example : primary key. Terms: primary and key constraint or unique constraint are also used. This constraint prevents duplicate value in the table.
    • Referential Integrity Constraint ensures the validity of the data using a combination of Primary Keys and Foreign Keys.
    • Semantic Integrity Constraint: The semantic integrity constraint refers to the correctness of the meaning of the data. For example, in the relation author, if the attribute or column city contains a garbage value instead of Toronto, the garbage value does not have any meaning. The semantic integrity constraint is related to the correctness of the data.
    • Domain constraint:A domain constraint specifies the permissible values for a given attribute. For example, in the relation author, the attribute country must contain a two letter country code such as CA for Canada or IN for India. If a number value of 34 is entered for the country attribute instead of a two let her country code, the value 34 does not have any meaning.
    • Null constraint: The null constraint specifies that attribute values cannot be null
    • Check constraint: The check constraint enforces domain integrity by limiting the values that are accepted by an attribute.