Anh-Thi DINH

DataQuest 4: Step 2 - Data Cleaning

Posted on 17/10/2018, in Data Science, Python.

This note is used for my notes about the Data Scientist path on dataquest.

Mission 293 - Data cleaning basics (Step 1)

cloud_download Download mission 293.
  • The most common encodings: UTF-8 (the default for Python), Latin-1 (also known as ISO-8895-1), Windows-1251.

    laptops = pd.read_csv("laptops.csv", encoding="Latin-1") # see the general info of the dataset

    UTF-8 is default, no need to be indicated when using.

  • df_test = df.copy(): copy data frame for testing
  • df.columns returns an index object with the label of each columns.
  • Cleans strings

    def clean_col(col):
      col = col.strip() # removes white space from the start and end
      col = col.replace("(","")
      col = col.replace(")","")
      col = col.lower()
      return col
    laptops.columns = [clean_col(c) for c in laptops.columns]
  • series.str.replace("text1", "text2"): look like string.replace() but a vectorized version for many items.
    • Tips: we can use s.str.replace().str.replace()(many times)
  • s.astype(float) or s.astype(int) change to numeric for all items in a series
  • df.rename({"<old-label>": "<new-label>"}, axis=1, inplace=True)

    laptops["screen_size"] = laptops["screen_size"].str.replace('"','').astype(float)
    laptops.rename({"screen_size": "screen_size_inches"}, axis=1, inplace=True)

    Cleaning workflow

  • Tips: method chaining : we ue as below so that if there is any error, we can know exactly which line.

    laptops["weight"] = (laptops["weight"]

    There is `()` before and after.

  • s.str.split(): splits strings inside a series by whitespace ([s t r] becomes [s,t,r])
    • s.str.split(n=1) : performs a single split at first whitespace
    • Note that, after splitting, there will be a list inside this series, not good!
  • We can expand to a new df after splitting: s.str.split(n=1, expand=True)
  • Couple: s.str.split(n=1, expand=True).iloc[:, 0] (select first column)
  • Split from the right: s.str.rsplit()
  • Example

    screen_res = laptops["screen"].str.rsplit(n=1, expand=True)
    # giving the columns string labels makes them easier to work with
    screen_res.columns = ["A", "B"]
    # for rows where the value of column "B" is null, fill in the
    # value found in column "A" for that row
    screen_res.loc[screen_res["B"].isnull(), "B"] = screen_res["A"]
  •<dictionary>) to fix a list of “the same” values but diff typing. If there is no value in s which are in the key of <dictionary>, all will be mapped to NaN. Thus, include both correct or incorret values in dictionary

    mapping_dict = {
        'Android': 'Android',
        'Chrome OS': 'Chrome OS',
        'Linux': 'Linux',
        'Mac OS': 'macOS',
        'No OS': 'No OS',
        'Windows': 'Windows',
        'macOS': 'macOS'
    laptops["os"] = laptops["os"].map(mapping_dict)
  • Identify which values are missing: using or df.isnull()

  • Dropping: Removing rows/columns having null values. Use df.dropna()
  • df = df.dropna(): removes rows, df.dropna(axis=1): removes columns
  • df.drop('<column>', axis=1) removes a column and without aixs to remove a row.

    • df.drop([<list-of-columns>])
  • Reorder column:
    • df.columns: list of all columns
    • df.to_csv(): save out CSV file and option index=False if we don’t want to save the index labels.
    cols = ['manufacturer', 'model_name', 'category', 'screen_size_inches',
            'screen', 'cpu', 'cpu_manufacturer',  'cpu_speed', 'ram_gb',
            'storage_1_type', 'storage_1_capacity_gb', 'storage_2_type',
            'storage_2_capacity_gb', 'gpu', 'gpu_manufacturer', 'os',
            'os_version', 'weight_kg', 'price_euros']
    laptops = laptops[cols]
    laptops.to_csv("laptops_cleaned.csv", index=False)

Mission 136 - Data Cleaning Walkthrough

cloud_download Download mission 136.
keyboard_arrow_right See Jupyter notebook walkthrough.
  • In python notebook, don’t use print() to display df, just call the name of this df, it will automatically appears.
  • To combine dataframes together, we need a unique column to be a ID for all df (DBN in this case)
  • Combine 2 df, use pd.concat
  • Copy a column to another one.
  • Use s.apply() to apply a function to all coponents inside a series/pf
  • Convert to numeric pd.to_numeric

Mission 137 - Data Cleaning Walkthrough

cloud_download Download mission 137.
keyboard_arrow_right See Jupyter notebook walkthrough.
  • Split a df into unique groups base all a column: df.groupby(<column>)
  • Use the df.agg() method on the resulting df.groupby object, along with the np.mean() function as an argument, to calculate the average of each group. The result will take the column as indexes
  • Use df.reset_index() to reset the column out of index.
  • Because we are investigating the data in the most recent time, we thus only consider the data in the recent years!
  • pd.merge() to merge dataframes: inner, outer, left and right type of merge: depends on the importance of the data, we will use an appropriate merge method. For example, if we want to keep the data on the left, we use left merge method because if we use the right one, there are many data will be deleted.
  • We can fill in missing data in pandas using the df.fillna() method. Need to assign back to the df.
  • Compute the mean of every column using df.mean(). If we pass the results of the df.mean() method into the df.fillna() method, pandas will fill in the missing values in each column with the mean of that column.

Mission 138 - Data Cleaning Walkthrough: Analyzing and Visualizing the Data

cloud_download Download mission 138.
keyboard_arrow_right See Jupyter notebook walkthrough.
  • R value: Correlations tell us how closely related two columns are. We’ll be using the r value, also called Pearson’s correlation coefficient, which measures how closely two sequences of numbers are correlated. Both are increasing or decreasing or different at the same time!
  • In general, r values above .25 or below -.25 are enough to qualify a correlation as interesting.
  • We can use the pandas df.corr() method to find correlations between columns in a dataframe. The method returns a new dataframe where the index for each column and row is the name of a column in the original data set.
  • Apply plots for a df: df.plot.scatter(x="A", y="B")
  • Using multi conditionals for columns in df, we apply each condition separately instead of using df[df["a"]=="x" and df["b"]=="y"]
  • We learned how to use the Basemap package to create maps in the Visualizing Geographic Data mission. The Basemap package enables us to create high-quality maps, plot points over them, and then draw coastlines and other features.
  • Convert the pandas series containing the latitude and longitude coordinates to lists using the s.tolist() method.
  • Basemap also supports scatter plot

Mission 139 - Guided Project: Analyzing NYC High School Data

keyboard_arrow_right See Jupyter notebook walkthrough.