Anh-Thi DINH

DataQuest 3: Step 2 - Data Visualization (Exploratory & Stotytelling)

Posted on 10/10/2018, in Data Science, Python.

This note is used for my notes about the Data Scientist path on dataquest. I take this note after I have some basics on python with other notes, that’s why I just write down some new-for-me things.

keyboard_arrow_right See many other plot types.

Mission 142: Line Charts

cloud_download Download mission 142.
keyboard_arrow_right matplotlib ref.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • pd.to_datetime(<series>): converts strings inside a series to a datetime objects
    • Extract month: unrate['DATE'].dt.month returns series containing int
  • plot nothing then default axus range is [-0.06, 0.06]
  • Plot by plt.plot(x,y) and the show it by
  • Change, rotate,… ticks: plt.xticks(rotation=90)
  • Plot info: plt.xlabel(), plt.ylabel(), plt.title() (title of the plot)

Mission 143: Multiple plots

cloud_download Download mission 143.
  • Add subplot (top-left to bottom-right) (multi plots in the same figure)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) # 2rows, 1cols, plot_number 1
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
    • Use ax1.plt(x, y) as usual plt.plot
  • Change size of figure fig: plt.figure(figsize=(width_inch, height_inch))
  • Use many times plt.plot() to draw multi function on the same plot.
  • Use plt.plot(x, y, c="red") to choose a color for plot. See more here.
  • plt.plot(x, y, label="<label>") legend and then plt.legend(loc='upper left'), read more here.
  • Note: there is diff between

    x_axis_48 = unrate.loc[0:12,["MONTH"]] # wrong
    x_axis_48 = unrate[0:12]["MONTH"] # right

Mission 144: Bar Plots And Scatter Plots

cloud_download Download mission 144.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

Barplot positioning

# Positions of the left sides of the 5 bars. [0.75, 1.75, 2.75, 3.75, 4.75]
from numpy import arange
bar_positions = arange(5) + 0.75

# Heights of the bars.  In our case, the average rating for the first movie in the dataset.
num_cols = ['RT_user_norm', 'Metacritic_user_nom', 'IMDB_norm', 'Fandango_Ratingvalue', 'Fandango_Stars']
bar_heights = norm_reviews[num_cols].iloc[0].values, bar_heights)
  • the width of each bar is set to 0.8 by default.
  • plt.subplot(): generate single subplot + returns both figure and axes

    Bar plot example

    num_cols = ['RT_user_norm', 'Metacritic_user_nom', 'IMDB_norm', 'Fandango_Ratingvalue', 'Fandango_Stars']
    bar_heights = norm_reviews[num_cols].iloc[0].values
    bar_positions = arange(5) + 0.75
    tick_positions = range(1,6)
    width = 0.5;
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(), bar_heights, width)
    ax.set_xticklabels(num_cols, rotation=90)
    ax.set_xlabel('Rating Source')
    ax.set_ylabel('Average Rating')
    ax.set_title('Average User Rating For Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)')
  • verticle bar plot.
  • ax.barh(bar_positions, bar_widths): create a horizontal bar plot
    • bar_positions : specify the y coordinate for the bottom sides
    • bar_widths: like bar_heights
  • Note that: there is diff between pos of ax.barh or before or after ax.set_xticks or ax.set_yticks. It should be before!
  • ax.set_xticklabels() takes in a list.

Scatter plot example

  • ax.scatter(x, y): scatter plot (plot with dot)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(norm_reviews["Fandango_Ratingvalue"], norm_reviews["RT_user_norm"])
    ax.set_ylabel("Rotten Tomatoes")
  • ax.set_xlim(0, 5) and .set_ylim to set the data limits for both axes. We also zoom in the plot with these commands.
  • By manually setting the data limits ranges to specific ranges for all plots, we're ensuring that we can accurately compare.

Mission 145: Histograms And Box Plots

cloud_download Download mission 145.
  • Using s.value_counts() to display the frequency distribution.
  • Don’t forget to s.sort_index() to sort the indexes.

Histogram example

  • Diff between histogram and bar plots
    • hist describes continuous values while bar plots descibes discrete
    • there is no space between each bin
    • location of bars on x-axis matter in hist but not in bar plot.

      # Either of these will work.
      ax.hist(norm_reviews['Fandango_Ratingvalue'], 20, range=(0, 5))
      ax.hist(norm_reviews['Fandango_Ratingvalue'], bins=20, range=(0, 5))

Boxplot intro

Boxplot illustration

  • quartile is diff from histogram because it divides the range of values into four regions where each region contains 1/4th of the total values.
    • While histograms allow us to visually estimate the percentage of ratings that fall into a range of bins.
    • To visualize quartiles, we need to use a box plot (box-and-whisker plot)
    • quartile is a case of quantile which divides the range of values into many equal value regions.

      # multi boxplots
      num_cols = ['RT_user_norm', 'Metacritic_user_nom', 'IMDB_norm', 'Fandango_Ratingvalue', 'Fandango_Stars']

Mission 146: Guided Project: Visualizing Earnings Based On College Majors

cloud_download Ref solution of project 146.
  • Do students in more popular majors make more money? $\Rightarrow$ Using scatter plots
  • How many majors are predominantly male? Predominantly female? $\Rightarrow$ Using histograms
  • Which category of majors have the most students? $\Rightarrow$ Using bar plots

  • Jupyter’s magic % matplotlib inline so that plots are displayed inline
  • Use df.iloc[] to return the first row formatted as a table.
  • Use df.head() and DataFrame.tail() to become familiar with how the data is structured.
  • Use df.describe() to generate summary statistics for all of the numeric columns.
  • Number of rows : df.shape[0] or number of columns df.shape[1]
  • Pandas has it own a plot method, see here.

    recent_grads.plot(x='Sample_size', y='Employed', kind='scatter')
    # 'Sample_size' and 'Employed' are columns of recent_grads

    We can use one-line code because of % matplotlib inline (of Jupyter)

  • We can use s.plot()
  • We can control the number of bins in series by s.hist

    recent_grads['Sample_size'].plot(kind="hist", rot=40) # rot = rotation
    recent_grads['Sample_size'].hist(bins=25, range=(0,5000))
  • scatter_matrix() can plot scatter and hist an the same time for 2 columns (ref)

      from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
      scatter_matrix(recent_grads[['Women', 'Men']], figsize=(10,10))

    Boxplot intro

  • Normally, when using bar plot, we need to specify the locations, labels, lenghts and widths of the bars but pandas helps us do that

    # first 5 values in 'Women' column
    # or better with labels
    recent_grads[:5]'Major', y='Women')
keyboard_arrow_right See many other plot types.

Mission 147: Improving Plot Aesthetics

cloud_download Download mission 147.
  • 2 line plot in the same figure

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(women_degrees['Year'], women_degrees['Biology'], label='Women')
    ax.plot(women_degrees['Year'], 100-women_degrees['Biology'], label='Men')
    ax.tick_params(bottom="off", top="off", left="off", right="off")
    ax.set_title('Percentage of Biology Degrees Awarded By Gender')
    ax.legend(loc="upper right")
  • The data-ink ratio is the proportion of Ink that is used to present actual data compared to the total amount of ink (or pixels) used in the entire display. (Ratio of Data-Ink to non-Data-Ink). The goal is to design a display with the highest possible data-ink ratio.
  • Modify/Remove ticks on axes & remove axes spine:

    ax.tick_params(bottom="off", top="off", left="off", right="off", labelbottom='off')
    # Add your code here

    or shorter for spines

    for key,spine in ax.spines.items():

Mission 148: Color, Layout, and Annotations

cloud_download Download mission 148.
  • The Color Blind 10 palette contains ten colors that are colorblind friendly.
  • Matplotlib expects each value to be scaled down and to **range between 0 and 1 **(not 0 and 255 of RGB color).

    cb_dark_blue = (0/255,107/255,164/255)
    ax.plot(women_degrees['Year'], women_degrees['Biology'], label='Women', c=cb_dark_blue)
  • Line width: ax.plot(linewidth=2)
  • Annotation: ax.text(<x>, <y>, <text>)
  • Big figure fig and then inside there are multiple plot ax

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 3))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,6,sp+1)

Mission 149: Guided Project: Visualizing The Gender Gap In College Degrees

cloud_download Ref solution of project 149.
  • ax.set_yticks([0,100]): just keep 0 and 100 on the y ticks, or xticks
  • transparency: ax.plot(c="red", alpha=0.3)
  • Horizontal line in the figure: ax.axhline(<startpoing>)
  • Note that, all coordinate in the plot is the coordinate of the axes (depends on the data)
  • Save the plots (must be used before

    plt.plot(women_degrees['Year'], women_degrees['Biology'])

Mission 152: Conditional Plots (Titanic)

cloud_download Download mission 152.
  • What you need to know for now is that the resulting line is a smoother version of the histogram, called a kernel density plot. Kernel density plots are especially helpful when we’re comparing distributions.
  • Plot kernel density and histogram together.
    import seaborn as sns
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • Plot only the kernel density plot

  • Style of seaborn (default is darkgrid),

    Seaborm styles

  • Remove axes spines in seaborn: sns.despine(), default, it removes top right, if one wants to remove bottom left, use sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)

    sns.kdeplot(titanic["Age"], shade=True)
    sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
  • Small multiple plots (automaticallt with seaborn)

    # Condition on unique values of the "Survived" column.
    g = sns.FacetGrid(titanic, col="Survived", size=6)
    # For each subset of values, generate a kernel density plot of the "Age" columns., "Age", shade=True)
    • “facet” likes “subset”
    • col="Survived", number of subplots depend on the number of unique values in this column
    • size=6, 6 inch height for each subplot.
  • Two conditions (col for condition “Survived”, row for condition “Pclass”)

    g = sns.FacetGrid(titanic, col="Survived", row="Pclass"), "Age", shade=True)
    sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
  • Three conditions (use hue) (overlap plot with the previous ones)

    g = sns.FacetGrid(titanic, col="Survived", row="Pclass", hue="Sex"), "Age", shade=True)
    g.add_legend() # add legend for seaborn sns
    sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)

    3 conditions

Mission 150: Visualizing Geographic Data

cloud_download Download mission 150.
  • basemap toolkit: Basemap is an extension to Matplotlib that makes it easier to work with geographic data.

    # install
    conda install basemap
    # or
    conda install -c conda-forge basemap
  • You’ll want to import matplotlib.pyplot into your environment when you use Basemap
  • Create a new basemap instance

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
    m = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=-80,urcrnrlat=80,llcrnrlon=-180,urcrnrlon=180)
  • Convert the longitude values from spherical to Cartesian

    longitudes = airports["longitude"].tolist()
    latitudes = airports["latitude"].tolist()
    x, y = m(longitudes, latitudes)
  • A scatter plot in basemap: m.scatter() with the same parameters as in plt.scatter().

    m = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlat=-80, urcrnrlat=80, llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180)
    longitudes = airports["longitude"].tolist()
    latitudes = airports["latitude"].tolist()
    x, y = m(longitudes, latitudes)
    m.scatter(x, y, s=1) # size of dot is 1
    m.drawcoastlines() # show the coastlines
  • A great circle between 2 points on a map. In 2D, it’s a line.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,20))
m = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlat=-80, urcrnrlat=80, llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180)

def create_great_circles(df):
    for idx, s in df.iterrows():
        if abs(s["end_lat"] - s["start_lat"] < 180) and abs(s["end_lon"] - s["start_lon"] < 180):
            m.drawgreatcircle(s["start_lon"], s["start_lat"], s["end_lon"], s["end_lat"])
dfw = geo_routes.loc[geo_routes["source"]=="DFM"]

More tools

  • Creating 3D plots using Plotly
  • Creating interactive visualizations using bokeh
  • Creating interactive map visualizations using folium