Welcome to Lab of Hierarchical Clustering with Python using Scipy and Scikit-learn package.
We will be looking at a clustering technique, which is Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering. Remember that agglomerative is the bottom up approach.
In this lab, we will be looking at Agglomerative clustering, which is more popular than Divisive clustering.
We will also be using Complete Linkage as the Linkage Criteria.
NOTE: You can also try using Average Linkage wherever Complete Linkage would be used to see the difference!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn import manifold, datasets
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs
%matplotlib inline
X1, y1 = make_blobs(n_samples=50, centers=[[4,4], [-2, -1], [1, 1], [10,4]], cluster_std=0.9)
Plot the scatter plot of the randomly generated data
plt.scatter(X1[:, 0], X1[:, 1], marker='o')
The Agglomerative Clustering class will require two inputs:
agglom = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters = 4, linkage = 'average')
Fit the model with X2 and y2 from the generated data above.
Run the following code to show the clustering!
Remember to read the code and comments to gain more understanding on how the plotting works.
# Create a figure of size 6 inches by 4 inches.
# These two lines of code are used to scale the data points down,
# Or else the data points will be scattered very far apart.
# Create a minimum and maximum range of X1.
x_min, x_max = np.min(X1, axis=0), np.max(X1, axis=0)
# Get the average distance for X1.
X1 = (X1 - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
# This loop displays all of the datapoints.
for i in range(X1.shape[0]):
# Replace the data points with their respective cluster value
# (ex. 0) and is color coded with a colormap (plt.cm.spectral)
plt.text(X1[i, 0], X1[i, 1], str(y1[i]),
color=plt.cm.nipy_spectral(agglom.labels_[i] / 10.),
fontdict={'weight': 'bold', 'size': 9})
# Remove the x ticks, y ticks, x and y axis
# Display the plot of the original data before clustering
plt.scatter(X1[:, 0], X1[:, 1], marker='.')
# Display the plot
dist_matrix = distance_matrix(X1,X1)
Using the linkage class from hierarchy, pass in the parameters:
Z = hierarchy.linkage(dist_matrix, 'complete')
A Hierarchical clustering is typically visualized as a dendrogram as shown in the following cell. Each merge is represented by a horizontal line. The y-coordinate of the horizontal line is the similarity of the two clusters that were merged, where cities are viewed as singleton clusters. By moving up from the bottom layer to the top node, a dendrogram allows us to reconstruct the history of merges that resulted in the depicted clustering.
Next, we will save the dendrogram to a variable called dendro. In doing this, the dendrogram will also be displayed. Using the dendrogram class from hierarchy, pass in the parameter:
dendro = hierarchy.dendrogram(Z)
We used complete linkage for our case, change it to average linkage to see how the dendogram changes.
# write your code here
Z = hierarchy.linkage(dist_matrix, 'average')
dendro = hierarchy.dendrogram(Z)
Double-click here for the solution.
Imagine that an automobile manufacturer has developed prototypes for a new vehicle. Before introducing the new model into its range, the manufacturer wants to determine which existing vehicles on the market are most like the prototypes--that is, how vehicles can be grouped, which group is the most similar with the model, and therefore which models they will be competing against.
Our objective here, is to use clustering methods, to find the most distinctive clusters of vehicles. It will summarize the existing vehicles and help manufacturers to make decision about the supply of new models.
To download the data, we will use !wget
to download it from IBM Object Storage.
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!wget -O cars_clus.csv https://s3-api.us-geo.objectstorage.softlayer.net/cf-courses-data/CognitiveClass/ML0101ENv3/labs/cars_clus.csv
lets read dataset to see what features the manufacturer has collected about the existing models.
filename = 'cars_clus.csv'
#Read csv
pdf = pd.read_csv(filename)
print ("Shape of dataset: ", pdf.shape)
The feature sets include price in thousands (price), engine size (engine_s), horsepower (horsepow), wheelbase (wheelbas), width (width), length (length), curb weight (curb_wgt), fuel capacity (fuel_cap) and fuel efficiency (mpg).
print ("Shape of dataset before cleaning: ", pdf.size)
pdf[[ 'sales', 'resale', 'type', 'price', 'engine_s',
'horsepow', 'wheelbas', 'width', 'length', 'curb_wgt', 'fuel_cap',
'mpg', 'lnsales']] = pdf[['sales', 'resale', 'type', 'price', 'engine_s',
'horsepow', 'wheelbas', 'width', 'length', 'curb_wgt', 'fuel_cap',
'mpg', 'lnsales']].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
pdf = pdf.dropna()
pdf = pdf.reset_index(drop=True)
print ("Shape of dataset after cleaning: ", pdf.size)
Lets select our feature set:
featureset = pdf[['engine_s', 'horsepow', 'wheelbas', 'width', 'length', 'curb_wgt', 'fuel_cap', 'mpg']]
Now we can normalize the feature set. MinMaxScaler transforms features by scaling each feature to a given range. It is by default (0, 1). That is, this estimator scales and translates each feature individually such that it is between zero and one.
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
x = featureset.values #returns a numpy array
min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
feature_mtx = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(x)
feature_mtx [0:5]
import scipy
leng = feature_mtx.shape[0]
D = scipy.zeros([leng,leng])
for i in range(leng):
for j in range(leng):
D[i,j] = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(feature_mtx[i], feature_mtx[j])
In agglomerative clustering, at each iteration, the algorithm must update the distance matrix to reflect the distance of the newly formed cluster with the remaining clusters in the forest. The following methods are supported in Scipy for calculating the distance between the newly formed cluster and each:
- single
- complete
- average
- weighted
- centroid
We use complete for our case, but feel free to change it to see how the results change.
import pylab
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy
Z = hierarchy.linkage(D, 'complete')
Essentially, Hierarchical clustering does not require a pre-specified number of clusters. However, in some applications we want a partition of disjoint clusters just as in flat clustering. So you can use a cutting line:
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster
max_d = 3
clusters = fcluster(Z, max_d, criterion='distance')
Also, you can determine the number of clusters directly:
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster
k = 5
clusters = fcluster(Z, k, criterion='maxclust')
Now, plot the dendrogram:
fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(18,50))
def llf(id):
return '[%s %s %s]' % (pdf['manufact'][id], pdf['model'][id], int(float(pdf['type'][id])) )
dendro = hierarchy.dendrogram(Z, leaf_label_func=llf, leaf_rotation=0, leaf_font_size =12, orientation = 'right')
dist_matrix = distance_matrix(feature_mtx,feature_mtx)
Now, we can use the 'AgglomerativeClustering' function from scikit-learn library to cluster the dataset. The AgglomerativeClustering performs a hierarchical clustering using a bottom up approach. The linkage criteria determines the metric used for the merge strategy:
agglom = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters = 6, linkage = 'complete')
And, we can add a new field to our dataframe to show the cluster of each row:
pdf['cluster_'] = agglom.labels_
import matplotlib.cm as cm
n_clusters = max(agglom.labels_)+1
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, n_clusters))
cluster_labels = list(range(0, n_clusters))
# Create a figure of size 6 inches by 4 inches.
for color, label in zip(colors, cluster_labels):
subset = pdf[pdf.cluster_ == label]
for i in subset.index:
plt.text(subset.horsepow[i], subset.mpg[i],str(subset['model'][i]), rotation=25)
plt.scatter(subset.horsepow, subset.mpg, s= subset.price*10, c=color, label='cluster'+str(label),alpha=0.5)
# plt.scatter(subset.horsepow, subset.mpg)
As you can see, we are seeing the distribution of each cluster using the scatter plot, but it is not very clear where is the centroid of each cluster. Moreover, there are 2 types of vehicles in our dataset, "truck" (value of 1 in the type column) and "car" (value of 1 in the type column). So, we use them to distinguish the classes, and summarize the cluster. First we count the number of cases in each group:
Now we can look at the characteristics of each cluster:
agg_cars = pdf.groupby(['cluster_','type'])['horsepow','engine_s','mpg','price'].mean()
It is obvious that we have 3 main clusters with the majority of vehicles in those.
Please notice that we did not use type , and price of cars in the clustering process, but Hierarchical clustering could forge the clusters and discriminate them with quite high accuracy.
for color, label in zip(colors, cluster_labels):
subset = agg_cars.loc[(label,),]
for i in subset.index:
plt.text(subset.loc[i][0]+5, subset.loc[i][2], 'type='+str(int(i)) + ', price='+str(int(subset.loc[i][3]))+'k')
plt.scatter(subset.horsepow, subset.mpg, s=subset.price*20, c=color, label='cluster'+str(label))
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Saeed Aghabozorgi, PhD is a Data Scientist in IBM with a track record of developing enterprise level applications that substantially increases clients’ ability to turn data into actionable knowledge. He is a researcher in data mining field and expert in developing advanced analytic methods like machine learning and statistical modelling on large datasets.
Copyright © 2018 Cognitive Class. This notebook and its source code are released under the terms of the MIT License.